Friday, July 10, 2009

Koki, a dream fulfilled

As a young girl, I always dreamed of owning my own horse. I had the horse crazies real bad all my life. My papa had horses, but he lived across the state so I only got to ride 3-4 times per year. My dad was a veterinarian and I begged to be with any horses he was treating. But my own horse, that was what I wanted more than anything.
When I was 10-years old, my parents bought a horse for the family which immediately became my best friend. She was a young paint mare, and I named her Koki which stood for Little Woman in one of the Indian languages. I don't remember which tribe. She was ornery but safe, and became wise as she aged. I would come home from school, grab a bridle, hop on bareback (without a saddle) and we would just go. The freedom was unimaginable! Dirt roads, pastures, city streets, nowhere was beyond our range. Take in mind this was in the 1970's in rural Oklahoma where kids were safe to roam, everyone knew everyone, and everyone watched out for everyone. I never knew fear.
She stayed with me until college in 1983 when I left her at home as I went on with my life. She passed away in her home pasture from old age. I pray that her grass is always tall, her oats are always sweet, and I thank her for the joy she gave a young girl who just wanted a horse and got a best friend.

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