Monday, July 27, 2009

Pet peeve

So I have become my own pet peeve and that is just bull crap. One of my favorite pet peeves, one that I nurse and pick at, is bloggers going away from their blog for extended periods of time, not days, but weeks. If I were reading my blog then I would of turned away in disgust and with great exasperation, upon day 3 of my not blogging. OH, I have excuses, but if you are me then they would definitely not be good enough. After all, I took on this blog so I should have assumed that I was up to the task of cultivating it. So there, enough berating me, leave me alone, I know I have been bad, but I'm back.
Back to the bull crap - as in Bullnanza. Bullnanza, for you non-bull lovers, is extreme bull riding. Yes, strapping yourself to the back of a 1200 pound slobbering, nasty, pissed off, bovine musclebuilder. These animals are cattle on steroids! The bullriders, well they are just a little off center, if you know what I mean. They don't march to the same drummer as normal people. They LIKE it! Adrenaline, well they season every meal with it.
Put the two together, and you get two evenings of jam-packed excitement in 8 second intervals.
So be put out with me, if you will, for neglecting my blog, but remember I know how to find cowboys who live to ride bulls and if I talk real sweet, I might be able to get them to come put some "whupass" on you. (and yes, I did take my knitting, after all it sometimes takes awhile to get the cowboys who land on the wrong side of the bull out of the arena).

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